I realised, once again, that I always moan about my food. I moan about it because I either don't like what it is, or it isn't cooked to what I want it to be. Bit picky I know but I guess that's how I was brought up, not blaming my parents. After eating a few mouthfuls of my dinner I had a random thought about little kids in Africa having hardly any food, while I'm here complaining about my food. That was when I started feeling bad and forced myself to eat my food with the thoughts of people in Africa living off hardly any food and dirty water.
I thought I would talk about that first today instead of my day because I knew I would forget it easily unlike other stuff I talk about as it only came to me within a few seconds. So, my day. I woke up this morning feeling quite energetic for some reason. I was thinking it was the sweets I ate the night before but it was all good although I slept for another 10 minutes because I can do that. Games this morning - BRILLIANT. Rounders was fun even though there wasn't a lot of us playing. We won in the end. I thought I batted very well, about 5 rounders overall? It was good and then Maths wasn't too bad. We didn't do any work at all. Instead we discussed what we would do for the Primary School Maths Day so I shall be missing the first three lessons tomorrow morning :) then we also watched the last 20 minutes of a documentary thing about numbers and where they originated from. It wasn't actually that boring, it was nice to see some humour in it. French - BORING, the teacher decided that there was only a few of us as people were doing exams so we went to a computer room. First it was one of the computer rooms in Penfold (a very very old building in school) and found out that it was taken over by people doing History. The teacher then realised that the room was booked in Main Building (another building in school) so we hiked over to the otherside of the building. We then went on a website "www.languagesonline.org.uk" and "learnt" about the future tense which we already know. Lunch, FUNNY! I kept sending messages to Kerry when she was right next to me, it was hilarious and I don't know, it was just funny. PSHE was also boring. We were doing about human rights and me and a friend chose to do public hanging so she found a very long video online about a 16 year old having sex out of marriage and going out with boys in Iran and later was executed as she was apparently 22...It was stupidly ridiculous and extreme but I know that it still happens around the world. LAST LESSON! Chemistry, bleugh. Rates of chemical reactions or something like that although it was mostly copying. Still good :) and then town which was funny with dear Josh, I do love him :D
Overall, my day was good again. Is it me or is it really really really really REALLY cold? Kerry made me miss the first ten minutes of 90210, not impressed. But then again, thanks to Kerry I actually remembered to watch 90210 :D
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