Thursday, 18 June 2009

Loooong Day

Exams. Speaking. Exams. Speaking *pulls hair out* <---- This is what exams do to me. It is currently "way past my bed time" and am getting quite tired. NO! I have to revise for this darn Physics Exam tomorrow morning, not that I will get a good grade anyway seeing as I'm rubbish at physics and I did have a billion and one teachers this year, a little exaggeration there.

One thing that's annoying me at the moment is that people are getting the Google Phone when they don't even know about it (not naming any names) and then there is poor Emily wanting that phone since January but we have a lovely plan. We shall get the matching phones and ban everyone from getting it, INCLUDING that certain person. I think that's a brilliant idea. Do you not think? I'm soooo getting Emily to read this part of this blog some day :)

Well yes, today has been a long day as I said earlier. RE went quite quickly actually, quite suprising but I was planning to revise for Spanish instead of doing any work. Maths after, the joy of A level maths although we did watch a video about numbers. How fun! Thanks to Maths, I get to miss the first three lessons next tuesday. KERCHING! And then there was Spanish. The lesson I was dreading most --> Spanish Speaking! So my little chums and I were going over our questions for a billion times, which didn't really work, while shitting ourselves and telling ourselves that we will do badly. I must say I did do quite badly in my opnion. (I got full marks on the role play and a B overall?). Well it was pretty scary anyway. Overall, it was pretty good. French....boring is the only word I can describe it with. I got my results back? B+ overall, B- for listening and reading, A- for speaking and A* for coursework. Not too bad although I was 2 UMS Points away from an A. Never mind. So yeah, revision sessions after school for physics: never going to them again. Town was a bit of a bore to be honest, although I was fairly hyper which isnt suprising seeing as I'm hyper 24/7 (apparently). So yeah, not a very good day I thought.

I should be revising for Physics tomorrow, but instead I am blogging...BAD GIRL!

Wish me good luck!

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